Sanitas Bonaire – Princess Margaret International School

Intergenerational artistic project

Our 5th grade students form part of a very interesting annual intergenerational artistic project.

Each year our students visit seniors at the Sanitas Bonaire residence in the Horta neighborhood. They spend a morning together, preparing a calendar for the new year.

It is undoubtedly a stimulating experience where they work not only arts and craft  creations but also on values such as respect, empathy and trust between two very different worlds.

Our students learn from the experiences of the elderly and the older ones learn from the children by sharing a few hours of work on the project. The result makes them learn many things together with the elderly. Children grow personally speaking in terms of solidarity and understanding and letting them know how mature people feel and what life is like at these ages.

Find below a few photographs of the activity where you can see the joy that is generated between elderly and young people: