A school is constituted by experiences that create ever-lasting memories

We are made out of memories, and during schooling years students go through the greatest experiences in their lives, which will remain in our memory forever. These life experiences will bring us into how we had dreamed, or even better yet. Have you ever imagined you'd become who you are today?


Reasons to choose a school

Why have we chosen Princess Margaret International School? Why would we choose it again? Only someone who has experienced it, can explain it. Probably because they've asked themselves these same questions. Why Princess Margaret International School?


We still count on you

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First video: Reyes Bertran · Andrea Codina · Thaïs Botinas · Martina Casanovas

Second video: Anna Troya · Joana Casanovas · Gerlac Fité · Paula Ruiz · Familia Tordera Flamarich